Generation ONE

10 02 2009

The new perspective in the post Obama world


President Obama’s election changed everything.  For many there is the world before Obama and the world now.  We have great challenges ahead, but the good news is that generation one is up to the task.  There has been a significant change in how we approach problem solving.  This new perspective makes all things possible and creates the potential for the real change promised by our President.

Generation One is the first generation after the election.  It all starts NOW!

Anything is possible. 

We do not have any more excuses.

We do not have to measure success in terms of how much we are paid.

We have a hell of a lot of work to do so we better work together.

We value ideas over ideology.

We value people over special interests.

We can disagree but still compromise to reach a solution.

Saving the planet is priority number one.

Affirmative action has become affirmative inclusion.

Race matters less and less.

We will re-invent our educational system.

We need the rest of the world just as much as they need us.

We can achieve peace in the Middle East and other parts of the world.

We will invent new technologies to end our dependence on oil.

We will provide universal healthcare.

We will aspire to a renewed American dream.

We will celebrate love between consenting adults.

And, we do believe again.




2 responses

11 02 2009

This is a very thoughtful and quite inspiring post! I believe it should be the basis for a mass-produced poster and made available in every middle school, high school, recreation center and community center in Harlem–and beyond.

23 02 2009
Jonathon Kahn

There is so much to like even love about this post with its dual emphasis on the lofty (ideas and hope) and the specific (health care, education, and the environment). The one comment I have is about race. I am not sure that race matters less and less. I think race is more complicated than ever and all of us are continue to figure out how race works. I’d add a line on race that goes like this: We will work to make race a concept that creates coalitions and unifies the races rather than divide them.

Keep up the good work, Harlem Now.

Jonathon Kahn

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