The NY Post “Dead Chimp/Obama” Cartoon

18 02 2009

chimp-comic1What are the NY Post Editors/Management thinking? Hard to believe that the symbolism was not obvious to them.

Harlem NOW wants to know what you think…

Please post your comments here.



5 responses

18 02 2009
Daniel Carlton

Dangerous stuff. Assassinations, racial stereotypes, police shootings, dehumanization, animal cruelty( if the monkey represented the chimp gone wild a few days ago-which I doubt) , Shall I go on?

18 02 2009

I’m not shocked (it IS the NY Post after all), but I am definitely appalled.
This can’t even be defined as satire. A good satirist knows how to scale the fine line between absurdity and being offensive.

Here is the email I sent to the editor:
I am writing to register a formal complaint regarding the editorial cartoon in today’s paper depicting police officers shooting a chimpanzee with the caption: “They’ll have to find someone else to write the next stimulus bill.”

This drawing clearly feeds off of the old stereotype of the blacks as monkeys.

I am a lifelong resident of the tri-state area and have seen the NY Post at its best and its worst. This cartoon is evidence of the latter. Thanks for continuing to stoke the flames of ignorance, hatred and racism.

18 02 2009
beverly alston

Not only did I find this cartoon racist, it sends a dangerous subliminal message to the crazy fundamentalists out there who may want to inflict harm to our President. We must stop the Post — Shut em down!!!

20 02 2009

Fortunately, social media has changed the level of responsibility of everyone who inputs their messaging on media platforms. We as journalists no longer have the luxury of delivering our opinions, under the cloak of the First Amendment, with only our own voices to consider. Our responsibilities go much deeper.

Like it or not, social media is public relations for both the authors of content and the organizations they represent, and the “Chimp Cartoon Issue” is now internationally viral. It is imperative that the opinion and commentary sections within the on-line platforms of newspapers and magazines take heed of this. The nuance is, journalists now have the greater responsiblity of taking care of the audience their media entities cator to, in order to retain them.

To read my entire article, please see the Karasma Media Legal Marketing Blog at:

I’m running a quick Poll on the question:

2 03 2009
Johari Mayfield

Generally, I am the first one to call “Foul!” in a situation like this. But I want to re-examine the facts of the situation. Lost in the midst of this controversy is a woman in a hospital who really was mauled by a chimp. And police officers really shot “Travis” in order save her. The surgeons are discussing a face transplant. The chimpanzee is dead. The woman who owned the chimp will live with guilt for the rest of her life. Honestly, I think it was a thoughtless choice on the part of the NY Post. Racist? Hmm… I get tired of people getting all up in arms about things like this yet NO ONE mentioned what a bad idea it was to sandwich the premiere of Biggie Smalls’ movie between the anniversary of MLK Jr’s birthday and the inauguration of Barack Obama. Talk about a King Kong reference being in your face. That was worse than this NY Post debacle. Yet Negros, yes I said it, were lined up to see yet “another one.” And that goes for Mammy 2000 AKA Tyler Perry. People choose to be all “political” when it doesn’t force them to look in the mirror and question what films, music, magazines they support with their money (when Reb’n Al ain’t there). So the NY Post is taking it’s cue to print things like that from us. My prayers are with the woman who lost her face not the community that is two faced and too cowardly to really look at what is being reflected back.

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