The 500 Ft. Principle in Harlem

10 02 2009

The Power of “Hello”



Harlem is an area of stark contrasts.  A community where public housing and million dollar brownstones are situated right next to each other.  More than the obvious differences in property values are real differences in perception. 

The 500 ft. principle is a reminder to every resident of Harlem that we all live within 500 ft. of someone who has a completely different socio-economic reality than our own.  Neither is more or less important they are just different and these differences are insignificant compared to what we all have in common.  We also need to accept that we are all here to stay so we must to come together because we will be together for a very long time.

One of the more troubling aspects of the rapid change that Harlem is experiencing is what appears to be escalating tensions between residents.  The nonsense of black versus white or the haves versus the have-nots is unacceptable in theory and practice.  I am hopeful that as neighbors we can move beyond the issues that divide us.  But, first we must fully understand the causes of the escalating tension. How often do we pass a neighbor on the street and miss an opportunity to connect with them.  A simple “Hello” is a good start.  Personal interactions that build familiarity and a comfort between people who live in close proximity. 

There is more than enough blame to go around for the root causes of the divide, including some in or community who seem to thrive on the conflict as a way to reinforce their so called “Street Credibility.”  These scare tactics using words like “gentrification, displacement, us or them” serve to undermine the rare opportunity we have to come together as neighbors around a common purpose. 




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